Wednesday, July 24, 2024

2024 Bigger Truck across Canada day 6

Day 6 started off with a blood oath from the previous day, that Kimberly and Jordan would be awake by 8am to achieve a 9:15am low tide hike. We shall not nitpick as to whether or not 9:15 was attained, but let's just say that we were as close as we've ever been to being on time. (editor's note - we were not on time).
Our starting point was Dennis Beach. We snagged a quick photo, then fumbled around for a while trying to figure out how to get down to the beach. Luckily Jordan spotted a trail as we were leaving the parking lot, so we re-engaged and found our path.
Jordan became our fearless leader, and led us down the hill using the ropes - it doesn't look that steep, but it is. Once we made it down to beach level, we were basically on the ocean floor and had the entire place to ourselves. I tracked just under a half a mile that we walked before encountering any water at all, and I bet we could have walked another half mile before the water got above waist level. Absolutely mind boggling.
While we were wandering around, we discovered a few sea creatures uncovered by the receeding tide.
We explored for several hours, and could have spent much more time there. We found a little waterfall that was key in washing off all the mud from our shoes,
then we found a spot for Jordan's penchant for climbing on rocks. This time Kimberly joined her!
we wandered out to the water one more time, and on the way we encountered these seaweed covered rocks. They immediately reminded me of the the rock trolls from Frozen, so much so that Fixer Upper popped into my brain. Don't judge me, I'm a girl dad and this is my life.
We were ready to wrap it up, and like the true nerd that I am, I proposed a quick experiment. I marked a series of lines on the beach at roughly 10' increments, then asked Kimberly and Jordan to time the water crossing the lines so we could see how quickly the tide was advancing. Unfortunate that I didn't have Excel at the ready to chart the data, but it proved to be quite repeatable. I'll let you know when the full lab report is available, but data suggested that the tide was advancing at approximately 6 feet per minute. Approximately.
We finally decided to head back to the Jeep, even though everything was saw was more interesting than the last thing. We then hightailed it into Alma for some gas and a quick lunch. It turns out the gas station is right across from the restaurant we wanted to go to for lunch, so we filled up first and of course I was captivated by the old school Gulf logo. It conjured several classics wearing that signature livery.
From there we headed across the street to Tipsy Tails, which had an amazing view of the Alma harbor. We snagged a quick 'before' pic
In the meantime, while waiting for a table at Tipsy Tails, we checked out the gas station/convenience store across the street. We discovered some product and flavors that I do not believe are available in the US.
I'm not sure the last time I've seen Tang in a store, but I certainly remember the commercials.
After lunch, we wandered down the dock to watch the lobster boats head out to sea. It was remarkable to see how quickly the harbor reached a point that the boats could launch, especially since they were all stranded when we arrived for lunch.
From there we headed into Fundy National Park to grab a quick glimpse of one of the beach overlooks, and Jordan was not down with this program. As we stopped and walked up to the overlook, we learned that even the local settlers were not impressed with this exhibit.
As we were deciding what to do next, Jordan let us know that she had reached her limit. Again.
Finally, we returned to the campground so these two could have their downtime, and I could explore. They shut it down, and I hopped on the fatbike and started to explore.
In order for me to reach the beach, I had to get a bit creative, and cross the stream that I had wanted to with the Jeep earlier. It worked out quite well, except I immediately soaked my shoes during the crossing. It was worth it, as the beach ride was incredible.
The jersey got a couple of compliments during the ride, which was impressive considering I only ran into about 10 people total. Not sure if this thing made me look more American or Canadian.

Once I got back, it was time for a quick shower and an attempt to minimize the horrendous sock tan I had generated.

As we headed into town for a quick nightcap and a sunset cruise, Jordan decided she needed a latte. Few things are more entertaining than watching her try to figure out how to drink this thing.
The last thing on our list was to catch the sunset, so we started hauling ass to the private property beach we had seen before, and as luck would have it we arrived not a moment too soon.
We finally made it back to the campground, and Jordan had been talking about playing basketball for the last few days. We got in a pretty solid session before a family took over, but we felt pretty good about it and were ready to call it quits.
The wifi/cell signal in these parts is horrendous, so please do not judge the contents of this blog since tonight's entry has taken roughly 3 hrs and many expletives. It would seem that there is a inverse relationship between how interesting the travel destination is vs the quality of wifi/cell coverage. Either way, it has been an amazing run and we can't wait for tomorrow. Cheers!

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