Thursday, July 25, 2024

2024 Bigger Truck across Canada day 7

Day 7 started with a bittersweet goodbye to Bay of Fundy and West River Campground, as it was time to pack up and head into Nova Scotia for the next leg of our trip. This portion would be one of the more challenging drives so far, with twisty, winding roads that definitely were not constructed with a rig like ours in mind. Several white knuckle moments - if there wasn't a curve, there was a hill, and often both combined with frost heaves and potholes that would make a Michigan governor green with envy. It would also seem to be one of the least efficient ways of getting from point A to point B, but regardless it was still worth it.
Along the way, we encountered a few interesting vehicles, which we will feature due to a special request (Hi Speedy, hope your sons enjoy!). First, this older Jeep with a military era trailer on the highway.
Next, this fully outfitted GS - saw quite a few of these so far, this gentleman was riding from Ottawa on a trip with his 2 brothers.
Then, while pumping gas, I heard the distinct braap of a 2 stroke, only to locate the source - this dude on a bicycle with a homegrown setup just ripping around the parking lot. Gotta admire the ingenuity, probably gets 70mpg on that hog...
Finally, once we arrived at our camping destination, we rolled past these 2 adventure van setups, which seem to be everywhere up here.
Forgot about this one - we took about an hour to relax, recharge, and get ready for our trip into downtown Halifax for the evening. Once we got on the road, we encountered this rolling billboard for Harley accessories. I know I've made my thoughts known on this subject in this blog before, but I will never be able to understand the leather tassels - nothing says biker tough guy better than fringy leather (RIP Glenn Hughes).
Once in Halifax, we headed to the waterfront to check out the boardwalk. It did not disappoint. We found a spot to eat (hadn't eaten an actual meal yet today, we were starving) called Sea Smoke. Food was decent, it took 2 hours, but the setting was perfect so we weren't complaining. It also had fires at each table and came equipped with a blanket that might as well have been a Comfy. These two were happy.
This kiddo tried her first ever sushi - it went well until she tried the wasabi. Mistakes were made...
The restaurant was pretty aptly named, as by the time we finished dinner, this was the view of the harbor.
From there we wandered the boardwalk, which had a whole bunch of interactive exhibits, photo ops, and Jordan's favorite - pigeons.
It also had this dude - a cross between Paul Blart and Lt Dangle. He was owning the boardwalk on that Segway - not quite new boot goofin', but regulating with flair.
Before the sea smoke got too heavy and turned into rain, we stumbled on this war memorial to the Nova Scotia soldiers who served in WWI and sailed from this harbor over 100 years ago.
On our way back to the campground, we crossed the harbor (harbour?) on the Angus L MacDonald bridge, which was pretty cool all shrouded in fog.
A bit of a late one tonight - tomorrow, we plan to explore the coast and head down near Lunenburg and Peggy's Cove on some recommendations from locals (Thanks RJ for the tips!). Cheers!

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